Friday, July 15, 2022

KO, Haiku Magazine in English, Vol 36, No.4 404 Issue, AUTUMN - WINTER


swirl of leaves

behind the car –

a raven in the sky


the child repeats

the calculation formulas –

Morning Glories in bloom


rich autumn –

a stack of books

recently printed


crane screech -

over the plateau descends

the evening stillness


first snow –

in grandma's oven

a sponge cake


vanilla flavor

in the whole house –

frost on the trees


art Gallery

on a steam window –

grandma boils tea


winter sky –

seeing a meteor

among the stars

Aichi Prefecture Board of Education Award


A XXXV-a aniversare a revistei KO și a 40-a reuniune de Haiokui și popezie haiku, Prefectura Aichi, Japonia

the child repeats

the calculation formulas –

morning glories in bloom

copilul repetă

formulele de calcul -

zorele în floare


Documentul primit odată cu certificatul, trimis de redacția revistei KO, la care am trimis haikuul.

L'Ours dansant Nr. 14, Novembre 2021




retour à la maison –

parmi ses chrysanthèmes

ma grand-mère

 Maria TIRENESCU, Roumanie


ma mère prépare

de la confiture de coings –

nuages dans le ciel

Maria TIRENESCU, Roumanie


une mésange chante –

le père et son fils ramassent

les feuilles mortes

 Maria TIRENESCU, Roumanie